This month's issue of Elle Magazine (the one with the Michelle-Williams-looking-like-Carey-Mulligan cover) comes with a free £20 Kurt Geiger gift card, which you can use either in-store or online.
Now you may be thinking that 20 quid won't get you very far in Kurt Geiger, but have a gander at its online selection of shoes. They start at just £17, meaning you could use the gift card to buy a pair of top notch shoes and still have £3 left on your card to put towards your next purchase. Yep, there's no minimum spend on the card.
And yes, most of the shoes in the £17-29 range are far too summery for the UK in November, but they have a good selection of more weather-appropriate £30 shoes too. Think about it - with the gift card you're getting a pair of £30 shoes for £10 + £4 p&p for standard delivery.
It was a no-brainer for me. I ended up ordering these visions:

Oh and you have to pay £3.80 for actual Elle Magazine, obviously, but if you're going to buy a fashion magazine this month anyway, getting one with a Kurt Geiger gift card attached to it is better than a slap in the face.
And if you still think £20 won't be enough for you, hear this - every 10th card is a 'Golden Ticket' and actually has £1000 loaded on it. I didn't win a Golden Ticket obviously, otherwise my entire wardrobe would be made of leopard print by now, but they're out there somewhere....maybe in your local newsagent?
Wow, thanks! Just looked at your post and that's one mega haul! Everyone needs to look at that post. :) I may well be buying 1 or 2 more mags to take advantage...;)